My Classroom Website

Welcome to Mrs. Otter's Middle School Science class website.  Here you will be able to find objectives, homework assignments, up coming projects/tests/activities, and websites.  I will try my best to keep this website as up to date as possible.  Below I am going to list key points from my syllabus to refer to through out the year when you have a question about the class.  And always feel free to contact me personally with any questions or comments also.


Respect for authority is shown by . . .

Listening carefully and quietly.Being on time, prepared, and ready to learn.Accepting personal responsibility for your actions. 
Respect for others is shown by . . .Communicating in a polite, supportive and friendly mannerTaking into account the needs and feelings of others as well as your own.Allowing others to enjoy their personal space and property. 
Respect for self is shown by . . .Using proper dress and language.Behaving safely.  Keeping your word.
 Respect for rules is shown by . . .             Obeying the policies of Agassi Prep and individual classrooms.Considering the spirit of a rule in making decisions.

Realizing that different situations create different expectations
















  • Course major assessments
    • Unit Tests
    • Semester Tests (IDMS)
    • CRT (March),  Encompasses 6th grade Life science, 7th grade Earth science, and 8th grade Physical science
    • End of Year Exam
  • Course activities
    • Projects
    • Labs
    • Hands-on activities
  • Evaluation
    • Criteria for arriving at students grades  (Percentages Broken Down)
      • Tests/Projects                                       40%
      • Quizzes/Labs                                        30 %
      • Homework/Notes                                   20%
      • Participation/Agenda Checks                  10%
Semester Grades                                                                                                           
      • Quarter One & Two = 45 % each - Semester Exam = 10%
      • Quarter Three & four = 45% each - Semester Exam = 10%
    • Explanation of student grades
      • A          100 – 90%
      • B          89 – 80%
      • C          79 – 70%
      • D          69 – 60%
      • F          50 – 59%  (Minimum F) 
    • How and when students will be advised of their grades
      • Parents and students are urged to check the EDLINE system on our website regularly.  Passwords for new parents will be handed out the third week of school.
      • Students will also be handed progress report every two weeks that must be signed by the parent/guardians and returned the next day for a homework grade.
    • Make-up Work
      • The students may turn in work ONE day late for a beginning grade of a 70%. 
      • The number of days that a student is absent is the number of days they have to complete their make up work.
      • With special circumstances of being absent more than three days, come and speak with me and we will make arrangements for more time to be give to complete work.
    • Absences/Excused Absence Notes
      • If the student has an excused absent please send a note with them when they return.
      • Tardies:
When students arrive to class after the class the period has officially begun without a pass, the student will be directed to the Tardy Log.  Below are the Burt Simmons progressive discipline steps:1.     Warning2.     Phone Call Home3.     Detention (Lunch or After School)4.     Referral to Counselor5.     Referral to the Office (RPC)6.     Referral to the Office (Saturday Detention)7.     Referral to the Office (One day of suspension)8.     Referral to the Office (Two days of suspension)9.     Referral to the Office (Three days of suspension)***After 5 tardies, the student will receive an unexcused absence. 
  • Agenda Expectations/Responsibilities
    • Agendas must be signed nightly and will be checked by Advisory Teachers weekly.
  • Supplies needed for this course
    • Refer to Supply list.  Additional items include: 
A spiral notebook, college ruled, three holes so that it can fit into their 3” binder, with around 100 pages inside.   
  • Teacher’s hours of availability & tutoring day
    • Please call or have student come and see me to set up after school help.
    • You may call me or email me any time you have questions 
·         Citizenship/Behavior Expectations It is my belief that, “The parents/guardians are the first teachers and the home is the first classroom.  Professional educators build on what a child brings to school.  For that reason, each success and every concern should be shared by the teacher and parent whenever possible.            Below I have outlined my classroom expectations that will be in effect for the duration of this class.  Please read and sign this form indicating you have read it.  I will keep you informed of your student’s progress in my classroom, so that they may obtain the best education possible.  Do not hesitate to call me with any concerns.  If I am not available, you may leave me a message on my phone (434) 238-6885 (cell), school’s phone with extension #2345 or my email, you, 
 Classroom Rules1.     Follow directions the 1st time.2.   Have ALL materials EVERYDAY3.   NO food, drinks, or electronics4.   NO teasing, cursing, yelling, or touching5.    Sit up, Track the speaker, pay Attention, and be Responsive. Discipline Consequences1.     Warning, sign the accountability log.2.   Call home/last out, sign the accountability log.3.   Detention (lunch or after school), sign accountability log.4.   Parent Conference, sign the accountability log.5.    Office Referral, sign the accountability log. Positives·        Verbal praise, phone calls, HW pass, mystery prize, add % to quiz/test, drop low grade, quiz buddy, teacher’s assistant… Severe Clause:          ***In extreme behavior situations the student is sent directly to the administrator: Overt defiance, stopping class from functioning, fighting, or vandalism.